Friday, January 16, 2015

Rest stops I have known

Cindy and I attempt to turn our trips into technology learning opportunities. Since we have taken a significant number of trips, it can be difficult to find a new theme. I am still attempting to find a focus for this trip. 
Soon after crossing from North Dakota to South Dakota we pulled into a rest stop. The first stop in a state tends to be particularly impressive. I suppose if you have had little previous experience with the state this offers an opportunity to provide a good first impression. We are not new to South Dakota and so I am not fooled. Still, I have always been impressed by the outdoor art at the rest stops.
Some folks review museums. Some folks review eating establishments. I am considering a series of reviews focused on rest stops. I would have to work out my criteria - visual attractiveness, tourist information, availability and cost of refreshments, smell, access to towels, etc. I will have to give this some thought.

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