Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Class preparation when flipping

I have stumbled into an approach for advanced classes I like. I run my grad "tech for teachers" class using a kind of flipped model. There are reading assignments and tasks to be completed before class and then the class (online in this case) involves discussion, demonstrations, etc. I typically generate some talking points/notes I provide students at the beginning of class to provide some structure. The outline does not necessarily control the class but it offers some structure in case a structure is needed.

The topic for the week focused on productivity tools, the writing process, peer editing, etc. and one requirement to assure the students had explored the procedure was for the students to comment on a Google doc I had shared. I decided to use the document I was working on for the class outline as the target for the student exercise. The results were pretty interesting. There was no expectation of relevance just the requirement to demonstrate the students could use the comment feature, but the things they decided to add were interesting. I decided the tactic offers some interesting possibilities for the future.


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