Monday, July 24, 2023


 I recently encountered a "On the media" podcast explaining greedflation. I found this an interesting concept especially because I wondered about what seemed to be high corporate profits in a time when many politicians were complaining about inflation. 

The following is an account written by the Google AI duet service on this topic.


Greedflation: The New Inflation

Inflation is a term that is often used to describe the rising prices of goods and services. However, there is a new type of inflation that is on the rise, and it is called greedflation. Greedflation is when businesses raise prices not because of increased costs, but because they can get away with it.

There are a number of reasons why greedflation is on the rise. One reason is that businesses have become more profitable in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, including low interest rates, tax cuts, and increased productivity. As a result, businesses have more money to spend, and they are using this money to raise prices.

Another reason for greedflation is that there is less competition in the marketplace. This is due to a number of factors, including mergers and acquisitions, consolidation, and the rise of monopolies. As a result, businesses have more power to raise prices without fear of losing customers.

Greedflation is a serious problem because it hurts consumers. When prices rise, people have less money to spend on other things. This can lead to a decrease in demand, which can hurt businesses and lead to job losses.

There are a number of things that can be done to address greedflation. One thing that can be done is to increase competition in the marketplace. This can be done by breaking up monopolies and encouraging new businesses to enter the market.

Another thing that can be done is to regulate prices. This can be done by setting price ceilings or by requiring businesses to justify price increases.

Finally, consumers can also fight back against greedflation by shopping around and buying from businesses that have lower prices.

Greedflation is a serious problem, but it is one that can be solved. By taking action, we can ensure that businesses do not take advantage of consumers and that prices remain fair.

In addition to the above, here are some other ways to fight greedflation:

  • Talk to your elected officials. Let them know that you are concerned about greedflation and that you want them to take action.
  • Support businesses that are committed to fair pricing. When you shop, look for businesses that have a good reputation for fair pricing.
  • Spread the word about greedflation. Talk to your friends and family about the problem and encourage them to take action as well.

Together, we can make a difference and fight back against greedflation.

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