I have not added a post about layering for a few weeks. I define layering as the use of online services that allow the addition of various elements to existing online resources (pages, videos) to improve the educational effectiveness of the resources. The characteristic that attracted me to these services is the method by which instructional components are combined with the original resource. The original content is not actually modified and is provided as intended by the original author. The educational elements are layered or combined with the original content and served as a composite to the user.
I first became aware of this category of services several years ago when encountering what is still a free service - hypothes.is. This service allows highlights and notes to be added on top of existing web pages and the combination shared with any hypothes.is user or with a designated group (probably the approach most useful in classrooms). I am writing this post because I came across another blog that offers some suggestions for how educators might use hypthes.is
I have developed a site that reviews a number of layering services including hypothes.is. The video tutorials may be helpful in explaining what these services can do.
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