Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1A - social media, free speech and learning

I am easily energized by idealism. I do not in any way see this as a character flaw. The individualization that seemed possible because of personal computers and then the open Internet pretty much gave direction to the last 25 years of my professional career. I participate in the opportunities technology allows, use technology to teach and learn, and write about whatever I see as possible limitations on the potential of learning from interaction. My initial idealism has become more tempered of late. The potential for expression and interaction that seemed to offer such great opportunities have resulted in less engagement than I had hoped. I understand that not all forms of expression require writing (the approach I prefer), but I had hoped that individuals would create content rather than mostly forward the content created by others. I believe you learn in the process of expressing yourself and this process takes effort. I admit I also did not anticipate the issues of privacy, purposefully false content, and hate. I also lament what seems to be a transition between individual expression and big media. I guess we get what we deserve and if we are too passive others will take advantage.
My daughter alerted me to a new source that seems to fit very well with my personal hopes. The service is from NPR and includes a podcast and web site. The service is called 1a as a reference to the first amendment - free speech. The service promotes the value of free speech and intends to encourage public discussion on important topics of the day. Educators and all who value personal awareness - this looks like a great source.

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