Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Nuzzle improvements

I first became interested in Nuzzle as a way to track the links provided by the Twitter users I followed. I am not a big Facebook users so my experience was limited to Twitter. Nuzzle would provide me a list of the most frequent links included in the Tweets of this group.
This approach made great sense but was not particularly useful for me. The problem was mostly a matter of scale. I did not follow enough individuals to get a benefit from the service. The most frequent links from my friends might total 3 or 4 for a given day. There was little differentiation among the more popular links and I would probably note these links on my own by scrolling recent tweets in my feed and so did not benefit in the way someone who would miss thousands of tweets might benefit.
The folks at Nuzzle probably understood this issue and now offer some new possibilities. Using their "Discover" feature, I can offer a topic I want to explore (say educational technology) and receive a list of "influencers" and popular recent links. Either offers an interesting approach to discovery (as opposed to search). As I understand the role of "influencers", these individuals might represent individuals with a more productive friend list than my own and I would be able to share what this larger or more prolific group might surface.
Nuzzel offers many existing categories, but I find using search to identify my interests to be more useful.
So here, I locate stories and influencer feeds I can follow on the topic of educational technology.

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