Monday, May 18, 2015

Blocking ads?

I recently read a blog post on the attitudes of those who block ads. The post considered various positions taken by those who employ ad blocking plugins. I tend to agree with the comments (there must be an ad on this post somewhere). While ads may be a nuisance and ads that intervene are obnoxious, the attitude that readers have a "right" to eliminate these ads is pretty self-centered.
Viewing specific sites is a choice readers make and the author(s) have made the site available at no cost with an understanding that ads will be seen. I am a fan of Google ads as the ads are generally not obtrusive, are supposed to be related to content, and can pretty much be ignored if a reader is not interested. 
The long-term implications of denying revenue (only potential revenue in the case of Google ads) to content creators and service providers is worth considering. The motivation to spend time to create content and often to purchase the means to offer this content should not be assumed.
What I fear is that ads will become embedded in content if those who are willing to offer content become convinced their potential source of revenue will not be considered. If you think this is unlikely, try the link to the original post on the immorality of blocking ads.

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