Monday, February 16, 2015

New U Libraries

I must admit that when I was still working as a prof I spent very little time in the library. I could not wait for the library to purchase the books I needed and I used online access to read journal articles. I have no idea if I am typical, but libraries seem dreary places.

I do think all agree the approach libraries take and the resources they provide must change. I have long thought libraries should offer improved opportunities for interaction. Quite works well for the office and the dorm room, but we all need social areas for learning. The perfect learning area for me has long been a coffee shop. Such locations offer the opportunity for socialization, are relatively quite, have wifi and serve coffee.

I understand some institutions have already made this move, but until today I have not had the opportunity to visit myself. This is entry way to the Texas - El Paso library. Just what I have in mind.

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