Monday, December 15, 2014


I read many Kindle books to assist in my writing activities. The highlighting and annotation that I do as part of the reading process is what fuels my future efforts. There are advantages to working digitally rather than highlighting hard copy or taking notes, but I fear few have a work flow that takes advantage of the digital advantages. Here is a new app I have been using.

Snippefy downloads Kindle notes and highlights to your iPad and if you make an in-app purchase will upload these data to Evernote or DropBox. One could then share this content socially. I understand there are other ways to get at and download this content from Amazon, but Snippefy makes the process very easy.

One issue you might want to consider if you decide to try this app is that you must enter your Amazon login info to gain access. I assume you can trust the company responsible for the app, but some worry others might gain access to you login info. Note this login is the means by which you connect to Amazon to make purchases. I can only bring this potential issue to your attention - I am not certain how else you could gain access unless Amazon offered an API.

The two images that appear below show the app access to your books (first image) and the downloaded annotations from a given book (second image).


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