Thursday, November 6, 2014

I am making a call

OK - the elections are over. The Republicans are in control of both houses and leaders suggest that they will find areas of agreement that can be moved forward.

Anyone who has watched the political scene likely wonders just what could possibly be an area of agreement. The Senate situation is still really the same as either party can still prevent anything from making it through (assuming the Democrats want to now accept the label of the "party of no"). What might be an area of agreement?

My prediction involves the use of "value added" procedures to evaluate teachers and the institutions that train teachers. The concept of value added proposes that student gain scores can be used to evaluate the quality of teachers and the institutions that trained the teachers. I make this prediction without advocating for this approach. Using gain scores is statistically quite challenging. I am just noting that the Department of Education has already been leaning in this direction and Republicans just seem more interested in applying a competitive evaluation system to education.

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