Friday, October 10, 2014

What happened to the dream?

I have wondered about this feeling I have had recently that not much was going on. That things in general were boring. I thought it might be the general political climate or various vague threats that we face. I thought it might even be me. Perhaps I had somehow become jaded or fatigued. I am getting older.
I happened on a blog post describing a new documentary that sounded interesting. The description was vague but there was mention of the OLPC and Peru. We donated an OLPC some years ago and purchased one for ourselves. I happened to find the device a week or so ago as we packed up our house to move. The combination of random events caught my attention. I wondered what had happened to the project. You no longer hear about the project online or at conferences.
I thought I might be able to watch the video using Amazon Prime, but it was not available. For a couple of bucks you can view the movie from Amazon or iTunes. I recommend it for education and tech people. The themes kind of take you back to a time when we hoped tech could change things.
It seems we have momentarily lost our fascination with the dreamers and their dreams. Maybe this is reality, but I think it is too bad. 

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