Thursday, October 16, 2014

Political ad bingo

This is the season for political ads. The frequency and approach of political ads drive me crazy. There seems so little meaningful information and so many obvious attempts to manipulate.

Anyway, I think an examination of political ads offers a great opportunity for developing critical thinking and/or media literacy. I have been trying to come up with a way to involve such skills without getting into the emotions that come with politics. I happen to think emotion in education is great and we should take on issues that raise enthusiasm whenever possible, but I also recognize that some would rather such issues be avoided.

Here is my basic idea - analyze political ads by creating and applying bingo cards. This seems a popular way to explore the "in terminology" during conference presentations I attend so why not apply in other contexts. Here is my first effort based on phrases and images (I). Obviously, some of the imagery or phrases would not apply in all areas of the country.


Consider that multiple students might create cards and apply to see who had done the best job of spotting trends. Popular images or phrases might also allow scrutiny of the messages ad creators think sell. Does the phrase "all politics is local" apply? Are there more negative or positive messages? Does the incumbent or challenger use more negative messages? Are voters being manipulated or informed based on phrases or images are emphasized?

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