Monday, September 29, 2014

I like the idealistic view of "the web"

In 2008, we participated in the One Laptop Per Child “get one, give one” project. I must admit we seldom used the device, but I did happen across it when going through our stuff for our move. The OLPC project is an example of a project that generated a great amount of attention for a while and then seemed to fade from view over time. I did wonder if the project was still active.
I just happened across this post from “The Next Web” that provides a follow up. The project does still exist, but the writer says it has lost much of the initial momentum. I wonder the Chromebooks at under $250 have proven an alternative in many situations.
I do recommend a full read of the article. There are interesting trailers for a documentary video and additional content regarding the possibilities of the Internet. I still believe in the "flattening" potential of the web and this movie kind of brings that back.

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