Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Lately, we spend a lot of time in the car. The drive to and from our lake place takes about 6 hours. I enjoy driving long distances and we both agree on listening to podcasts as a way to multi-task during the trips.

 Our typical programs are provided through the TWIT (This week in tech) network. We have beenfollowing host Leo Laporte since the days of TechTV - a cable channel that was eventually cancelled. Cindy happened to be reading the Pioneer Press (St. Paul) while I was driving and came across several articles in the business section devoted to the rise of the podcaster. This has to be some kind of meta-experience - reading about Leo Laporte while listing to home from your iPod.

I encourage anyone to explore podcasts as a source of information and entertainment. If you are an iTunes user, you can use the iTunes store to locate podcasts on a wide variety of topics.

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